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A Letter to my Fans: why i quit my job today

for the past few days i have been struggling with this choice.  do i do the realistic thing and keep my job or do i suffer in a place full of demeaning work, stereotyping customers, and co-workers with every practical dissociation to me?

well i stopped thinking after i thought about that last option.  i rather burn a bridge to nowhere than to walk down a path knowing nowhere is at other side.

so knowing how short my patience has been for doing things that don't make me happy (a resolve i came to in 2011) i left that place only being there a short time.

now the argumentative thoughts in some people may be.... damn dude you just left a good job...or people don't even have jobs out here... or you should have just put up with it until something happened for you... and my response to that would be...

fuck you.  very much.   I will NOT slave for people who couldn't care less about me... who judge me for my tattoos and earrings... degrade my intelligence when they speak to me... & at the end of the day not make me feel like i'm welcome to be myself.  allow me to tell you this.

NO Job is worth sacrificing your sense of self.  i went through grade school feeling degraded (a nerd), relationships feeling degraded (for being a good man), & even with hip hop (for being some guy with a message).  and i'm tired of it.  and i will not do it anymore. i'm going to be me no matter what the cost.

lastly, anyone without anything that they want in life should first look at themselves to see why they really don't have it.

it is that very self-reflection that makes me believe the reason i don't have the level of success i want... is because i allow myself to be held back by everyone else's "realistic" point of view.

with that said... a new album is on the way.  The Perception.